Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reasons Behind the High Rate of Dropouts

A great majority of Houston†s children enroll for school after they have enjoyed summer vacation. Houston area dropout rates list starts at full capacity, even by Christmas vacation the enrollment list has reduced to half of the students. The reason for high dropout rates is not because Houston area schools do not care about education, they are not taking it serious. According to the Houston Chronicle, a Houston area newspaper, † the Houston Independent School District, for example, failed to account for 2,131 students who were enrolled in 1997-98 but not in 1998-99. By no means will that number decrease, if adults do not find what is taking our kids out of schools. A young mind only stops learning when obstacle are put in the way. Obstacle, such as juvenile crime and drug actitives, teen pregnacy, lack of family funds, and parents who do not care. Texas Education Agency reported in the Houston Chronicle, that the leading reason students dropout of school is crime and drug actitves. Children bring weapons along with homework to school every day. Some youngster do not make it to juinor high without a murder case. Majority of dropout will end up in prison and never see the front day of a college. Drug also taking the minds of our young kids. They look for anything that will help them cope with every day problems. While their problems are only grooming the addiction only get stronger. Half of the students will become additive to some type of drug, and become dropouts. Another obstacle that causes high dropout rates is teen pregnacy. Sadly, a large percent of younger learners become parents during high school. This obstacle usually affect females due to the fact that most male students do not stick around to support their child. Then the female has to figure a way to attend school and pay for a babysitter. Since, it takes money to raise a baby the mother only choice is to dropout of high school and maintain a full time job. Why do children decided to raise babies, instead of doing simple daily homework? That question remains to be a mystery to many adults. The third obstacle would be lack of family funds. Few families in today†s society still consist of a father and a mother. One parent struggling to support a family is not an easy thing for a child to watch. Eventually that youngster finds any methods to bring money into the house. Some students will find legal ways such as a job for extra money; the other half of the student particpate in illegal actitives to support their family. That child is worried about stopping his mother or father from crying over money problems every night. Last but not least, one of the problems is parents who do not care or unable to give proper care to their children. There are parents who have two or more jobs and feel that their children can watch themselves. Then other parents just can not control their kids. He or she leaves home that morning for school and the parent will not see them until two days later. The father or mother wants to help their children, but parents can only do so much. Even the laws do not take extreme measures on teen run away. The police brings the youngsters home so they can run away again the next morning. There also parents who have drug or criminal problems themselves. The parents are to worried about getting more drugs or stealing a car to care if their child is attending school. What happened to parents being the best role models they can be. Until Houston realzies the obstacles in younger learner lives the dropout statistics will only increase. While the numbers are rising our city will consist of uneducated people who did not finish high school. What type of city will Houston become if most of the citizens are high school dropouts? The city can only grow if there are educated people running it. Also, children being allowed to make the decision to dropout of school will only make the problem repeat itself. When parents are dropouts they usually do not have enough money to stop the cycle. If a parent drops out due to poverty most of them never get out of poverty. With out an education high paying jobs do not drop out of the sky, so that parent is raising his or her child like they were. What stops children from dropping out when they own parents were dropouts? Another effect of dropping out of school is going in and out of correctional system. According to America Skips School, an article by Benjamin Barber, â€Å"the government spends up to $35,000 a year to keep a young black male behind bars but a fraction of that to keep him in school. When he is released back to society it will be difficult to find a job, because he is an ex-criminal and a dropout. Many ex-criminals go in and out of prison due to the fact they can not find a decent job. As Barber states in America Skips School, â€Å"if Americans were serious parents, teachers, politicians, and kids themselves would find solutions to high school dropouts. Parents should have dreams that they child life will be better than their own. If a mother was a dropout why do her daugther has to be a dropout? Parents caring and showing it will also help dropout rates. Turning the television off and talking to their child for one hour will only make their relationship stronger. When that child makes the decision to drop out of high school they could talk it over with their parents first. Then the parents could point out the effects of not having an education. If a parent talks to their children they will know that they are serious about school. Teachers play a major part with children attending school. Many teachers have stopped teaching with their hearts, but teaching for a paycheck. They must go beyond the classrooms to counsel at-risk students and their families. Teacher may not earn the highest salaries, but teaching should be an award by it†s self. They could also help by making the classroom a fun place to be. Children will start to drift off when the classroom is boring or they feel dumb. What can a student learn if a teacher†s only method of teaching is sitting behind a desk a reading a book to them? Teaching with a loving heart will let the students know that teachers are serious about school. Politicians can put an end to a lot of school problems by changing a few laws. The government could bring poorer communities up to standard by finding other sources of funding for Houston schools besides property taxes. Instead, of spending taxes to build a new dome for entertainment; politicians should have fought for the taxes to build and improve schools. Government should offer more programs for student before they dropout. When a student decides to drop out of school they should have to attend a one day program that will show them the effects of dropping out of school. When they complete the program if they still decided to drop out of high school they should have to sign a wavier reading: â€Å"By signing this, I realize I will not have the skills to survive in the 21st century. † They are then presented with a † Certificate of Dropping Outing. † If politicians were to make it harder to drop out of school then the student would know that they are serious about school. Children themselves could put an end to dropping out of school. They could set goals and stuck with them no matter what peer pressures come their way. Kids could become members of some type of peer support groups, so they would have someone to talk to when they need a listening ear. They could also be more active in church, instead of hanging on the street corner getting in trouble. Youngster should strive for the top and do not give up because of obstacles standing in the way. When students start to take school serious then the other parties will perform their roles. Everyone places a part in children getting an education. If one person fails to do their part then the dropout rates will only increase.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets Essay

The Standard This standard distinguishes between provisions and contingent liabilities. A provision is included in the statement of financial position at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation at the end of the reporting period. A contingent liability is not recognised in the statement of financial position. However, unless the possibility of an outflow of economic resources is remote, a contingent liability is disclosed in the notes. Provisions A provision is a liability of uncertain timing or amount. A liability may be a legal obligation or a constructive obligation. A constructive obligation arises from the entity’s actions, through which it has indicated to others that it will accept certain responsibilities, and as a result has created an expectation that it will discharge those responsibilities. Examples of provisions may include warranty obligations; legal or constructive obligations to clean up contaminated land or restore facilities; and a retailer’s policy to refund customers. A provision is measured at the amount that the entity would rationally pay to settle the obligation at the end of the reporting period or to transfer it to a third party at that time. Risks and uncertainties are taken into account in the measurement of a provision. A provision is discounted to its present value. FRS 37 elaborates on the application of the recognition and measurement requirements for three specific cases: †¢ Future operating losses – A provision cannot be recognised because there is no obligation at the end of the reporting period. †¢ An onerous contract gives rise to a provision. †¢ A provision for restructuring costs is recognised only when the entity has a constructive obligation – the main features of the detailed restructuring plan have been announced to those affected by it. Contingent Liabilities Contingent liabilities are possible obligations whose existence will be confirmed by uncertain future events that are not wholly within the control of the entity. Contingent liabilities also include obligations that are not recognised because their amount cannot be measured reliably or settlement is not probable. An example of a contingent liability is litigation against the entity when the occurrence of any wrongdoing by the entity is uncertain. Contingent Assets Contingent assets are possible assets the existence of which will be confirmed by the occurrence or non-occurrence of uncertain future events that are not wholly within control of the entity. Contingent assets are not recognised in the statement of financial position. Contingent assets are disclosed when it is more likely than not that an inflow of benefits will occur. However, when the inflow of benefits is virtually certain an asset is recognised in the statement of financial position, because that asset is no longer considered to be contingent. Business Implications FRS 37 restricts the circumstances in which a provision can be recognised. It does not allow a provision to be created for the possibility of something occurring in future. There must be a present obligation (a liability) at the end of the reporting period. Although provisions are not recognised for future operating losses, the expectation of future operating losses triggers an impairment test of the operation’s asset. The impairment test may result in the recognition of an impairment loss. Furthermore, the present obligation under an onerous contract is recognised and measured as a provision. The measurement of a provision requires judgment about the amount, timing and risks of the cash flows required to settle the obligation. Caution is needed in making judgment under conditions of uncertainty. However, uncertainty does not justify the creation of excessive provisions.

Stds Among Adolescents In Nigeria Health And Social Care Essay

The first sexual intercourse is a milepost in the physical and psychological development of every adult male or adult female. It can besides ensue in unplanned gestations, insecure abortions and sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) , ( Singh et al 2000 ) . Harmonizing to the World Health Organisation ( WHO ) , two-thirds of all STDs occur among the young person ( WHO 1993 and 1995 ) .This estimation can be explained by the high hazard sexual behavior of stripling, such as multiple sexual spouses and unprotected sexual intercourse ( Rosenberg et al 1999 ) . The demand for more policies and programmes in turn toing STDs among striplings should hence be a precedence for every authorities. However, the argument on sexual and generative wellness ( SRH ) is absent or hapless in many states, as the issue of gender and sexual intercourse make people really uncomfortable ( WHO 2006 ) . Again, most sexual wellness programmes for striplings globally tend to concentrate on instruction and bar, go forthing out services which enable striplings to show their frights, concerns and acquire interventions for STDs and other sexual wellness issues ( Nworah et al 2002 ) . This state of affairs can be disputing in some parts of Africa particularly the West where as an stripling, sexual wellness issues are non discussed in schools or places and there are no sexual wellness services for striplings. However, this state of affairs is altering, particularly with the outgrowth of Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) infection hitting every three in 10 striplings in Africa. This has led to the committedness of more resources for intercessions in turn toing STDs in many states ( WHO, 2003 ) . In this paper, I will be looking at programmes and intercessions used in covering with STDs in Nigeria among striplings, barriers to accessing STD attention for striplings, societal building of sexual wellness and proposed programmes to better on the bing SRH attention for striplings. 1.2 STDs among striplings in Nigeria Nigeria is the most thickly settled state in Africa, situated on the western portion of the continent with an estimated population of 151,212million ; of this 32 % are between the ages of 10-24 old ages ( UN 2008 ) .With such a vernal population and the high prevalence of HIV in Africa, one will presume there will be policies which are effectual in turn toing STDs among striplings in the state. However, the age of presenting SRH instruction to striplings continues to be debated, whereas recent surveies indicate an addition in sexual activities among this age group, therefore the demand to explicate steps to understate the negative impact of these sexual activities ( Okonofua 1999 ) . Among the factors lending to high rate of STDs among striplings include ; the deficiency of equal information about SRH, dislocation of traditional household control and globalization ( Okonofua et al 1999 ; Odion and Ataman 2010 ) . Although there are no accurate informations on the Numberss of STDs among striplings in Nigeria, several population based surveies indicate an addition in STDs among striplings than grownups ( Okonofua et al 2003 ) In an attempt to turn to the issue, the Nigerian authorities in 2000 collaborated with other international administrations and non- governmental administrations ( NGOs ) to develop a national SRH policy. The subdivision of the policy on striplings focused on forestalling hazardous sexual behavior and the purpose was †to addition cognition of generative biological science and promote responsible behavior of striplings sing bar of unwanted gestation and sexually familial infections † ( Federal Ministry of Health 2001 ) . The following were the marks for the policy ; Increased entree of appropriate generative wellness information to all striplings in and out of school. The debut of gender and household life instruction in school course of study. Increasing the entree of comprehensive youth-friendly wellness services including reding for all striplings, including the disabled by 20 % Enforcement and reappraisal of Torahs relevant to adolescent wellness To run into these marks, the national council on instruction decided to incorporate gender instruction into school course of study to turn to the high rate of STDs among striplings. However, force per unit area from the media, spiritual groups and conservative politicians reasoning that gender should non be taught in schools, therefore naming for more dilution of the programme ( Federal Ministry of Education 2008 ) .Sexuality instruction was hence changed to household life and HIV instruction ( FLHE ) , which is more acceptable by all stakeholders. FLHE was integrated into bing topics and all 36 provinces were allowed to learn to accommodate the socio cultural demands of striplings in each peculiar province. The course of study was besides divided into two degrees ; sensitive issues such as sexual orientation, preventives and onanism was specifically taught in senior secondary and the basic sexual wellness issues in junior secondary schools ( Federal Ministry of Education 2003 ) . Second, to increase entree to reproductive wellness information, SRH nines are organised in schools where striplings can hold forums, arguments, essay composing competitions and interact amongst themselves on sexual wellness issues. These nines besides organise wellness consciousness runs and seminars where wellness professionals distribute educational stuffs and give negotiations on bar and intervention of STDs among striplings ( Federal Ministry of Education 2003 ) . Third, some members of the nine are selected by their co-workers and trained as equal pedagogues. Their preparation on STDs comprises of bar and intervention, acknowledgment of symptoms, spouse presentment, postponing of sexual intercourse pieces on intervention for STDs, benefits of early intervention, where STDs can be treated and the demand for professional aid. They so advocate pupils on one-on-one or in a group on STDs and other wellness issues. They besides distribute information on SRH issues and refer pupils with STD symptoms to the appropriate wellness professional for intervention ( Federal Ministry of Education 2003 ) . Finally, to guarantee enforcement of the policy, all province schools in Nigeria were made to incorporate the policy into bing school topics. The FLHE is the merely sanctioned SRH programme included in school course of study towards the bar of STDs ( UNSECO 2010 ) . In a reappraisal of the policy in 2004, the determination was made to develop more instructors who will specialise in SRH and Teach in senior secondary schools. There were besides sensitisation meetings with educationalists and NGOs working in SRH in an attempt to reenforce the programme in schools and increase the range of administrations working towards its success ( ( UNSECO 2010 ) . A long running rating of the programme, was carried out from 2003 – 2009 in Lagos and claims were made to the followers ; pupils exposed to the programme were more knowing about gender, HIV and other STDs, addition usage of preventives, misss were confident to decline sexual progresss from male childs and better apprehension of relationships ( Philliber Research Associates 2009 ) .In malice of these claims, surveies done earlier and after the execution of the SRH policy indicate that educational programmes have non improved on the Numberss of striplings undertaking STDs ( Adeokun et al 2009 ) . There is therefore the demand to look into why STDs among striplings continue to be high in Nigeria.1.3 Why STDs Remains a Problem among Adolescents in NigeriaEven though the incidence of STDs among Nigeria young person is said to be high, there is no defined steps in aiming striplings for intervention and bar of STDs. Surveies have shown that in malice of sexual wellness instruction, striplings lack cognition in STD bar, intervention and other sexual wellness issues ( Okonofua et al 2003 ) . Parents do non discourse sexual wellness issues with their kids, and information from the media is largely deformed taking to striplings seeking sexual wellness information from equals who besides lack accurate information about the topic, hence misinform others ( Fatusi and Blum 2008 ) .The deficiency of cognition about STDs leads to high incidence of unprotected sex, inability to place symptoms of STDs and reluctance to sought intervention ( Nmari et al 2010 ) . The few province wellness services or clinics are besides adult oriented and guidelines in handling striplings are nonexistent hence striplings feel unwelcome in such installation and hence do non utilize the services at all when they are infected with STDs ( Okonofua et al 2003 ) . This state of affairs is possibly due to how sexual wellness is perceived in societies in Nigeria and West Africa.1.3a Barriers in accessing wellness attention vs. societal building of SRHThe societal building of gender functions has brought about inequality in every society.SHR is one country affected by gender inequality in Nigeria. Gender functions have made work forces accountants of birthrate and gender of adult females ( Connelly et al 2000 ) ; doing adult females subordinators with less power in sexual relationships refering contraceptive method, abortion, and gestation while work forces determines the footings of the relationship ( Dixon-Mueller, 1993 ) . However, in a survey by Shefer et al 2002, adult females are blamed for being the causers of STDs, even though they have less power in negociating for safer sex. Individual ‘s behavior or actions on SRH reflects what is socially acceptable or non in communities. This besides explains society ‘s perceptual experience on striplings SRH. The societal building of SRH for striplings in Nigeria explains why most wellness services for STDs are adult oriented. SRH for striplings is a sensitive issue in Nigeria. Both traditional and spiritual leaders believe that adolescent generative wellness should non be discussed until a male child or miss is ready for matrimony. Traditionally, striplings are taught generative wellness during the rites of transition when they are ushered into manhood or muliebrity and ready for matrimony ( Marcusan et al 2010 ) . In the same manner, the Bible or the Koran forbids pre-marital sex hence supplying information about it will promote striplings to indulge in sexual activities before they marry ( Marcusan et al 2010 ) .This besides explains the force per unit areas from the media, spiritual and conservative political leaders to alter the initial gender instruction programme into FLHE. Most striplings besides complain about clinics non being youth friendly and missing privateness therefore their refusal to seek sexual wellness advice or intervention for STDs. The deficiency of privateness is besides a societal issue, from personal experience working in sexual wellness clinic, service suppliers adopt a domineering attitude in relation to service users and tend to handle patients their ain manner with small respect for their rights and self-respect. This state of affairs is worse when covering with patients with STDs. In a survey carried out in South Africa by Shefer et al 2002, patients with STDs were verbally abused by wellness workers by naming them names and this de-motivate striplings from seeking information and intervention for STDs. Again, due to cultural perceptual experiences about STDs, where it is seen as grownup job, striplings who present with STDs are stigmatised by their communities. This stigmatization influences the possibility of an adolescent seeking intervention. Often times, they besides hesitate in seeking intervention because of the possibility of run intoing people they know therefore compromising the confidentiality of their visit to the STD clinic ( Shefer et al 2002 ) . Confidentiality as frequently used in professional codification of moralss can be broken when person ‘s life is threatened. Confidentiality in this state of affairs can be broken non because person ‘s life is threatened but for societal grounds. In most portion of West Africa, people act as their neighbor ‘s keeper, hence it is the responsibility of grownups to describe a kid or striplings if they are seen indulging in harmful patterns ( hypertext transfer protocol: // } . As mentioned earlier, STDs are diseases of grownups non striplings hence parents must be informed when their kids are seen accessing information or intervention for sexual wellness. Other grounds why striplings do non seek intervention or information for STDs is the high cost of infirmary fees which they are unable to afford. Some striplings therefore entree intervention from traditional therapists, where fees are low-cost, where they will non meet any of the jobs they face at western type of clinics and in line with societal building of diseases. For case STD was perceived as penalty from the Gods or witchery ; hence intervention must be sought from traditional therapists or the fetish priest who were seen as the oral cavity pieces of the Gods on Earth ( Nworah et al 2002 ) . Having said these, there were besides few cringle holes in the 2000 policy which can be improved upon. 1.5 Loopholes in the policy/programme The ends of the policy indicate that non merely is STDs a job among striplings but besides unwanted gestations. Broadening the range of the marks to cover SRH in general was a good thought as there may be other sexual wellness jobs faced by striplings which were non documented, but at that place should hold been specific marks for STDs and unwanted gestations as it was the focal point of the policy. Again, marks must be clip edge, nevertheless all four marks had no clip frame ; hence mensurating it will be hard. For case, 20 % was mentioned in the 3rd mark but the per centum of entree to comprehensive youth friendly wellness service before the policy was non mentioned, therefore hard to mensurate accomplishment. The policy was for striplings in and out of school, but there was no reference of how the out of school programme was implemented, it is hence ill-defined if those out of school were exposed to the programme. It is non surprising that the rating indicated addition cognition of SRH among striplings exposed to the programme. Again, some subjects were merely taught in senior secondary while basic subjects were for junior secondary but there were no reference of which topics the juniors were taught and whether it was relevant for them. The motivation for learning different subjects was non mentioned but this may connote that some striplings who are older but in junior secondary missed out on indispensable SRH subjects important for striplings their age. Specialized instructors were trained for senior schools, this once more may connote those learning in junior schools were non specialised, and speaking about SRH to striplings can be abashing for both instructors and pupils and may impact the quality of instruction every bit good as pupils non inquiring inquiries to clear uncertainties. Finally, the force per unit areas from the media, conservative politician and spiritual leaders faced the authorities to alter gender instruction to FLHE. This is a instance of people concealing behind faith, civilization and political relations to oppose a societal plan instead than rationally looking at the jobs facing their state. To beef uping SRH programmes and cut down the incidence of STDs among striplings, there will be the demand to suggest programmes to better on the bing one. 1.5 Proposed schemes to better programme The purpose of the programme will be awareness run for STDs and behaviour alteration among striplings. The programme will be restricted to striplings aged 11 to 24, therefore the junior and senior secondary age. This age group is chosen to acquire blessing from parents and besides to affect them, as a survey carried out by Wilson et Al in Ghana indicate that most parents will be unhappy for their ten twelvemonth old kid to be taught on SRH issues. To forestall resistance to the programme, audience will be held with parents, instructors, spiritual and community leaders, politicians and the media to explicate the graduated table of the job, why it is of import to learn striplings issues about STDs and SRH in general and seek their positions on the issue. Another audience will besides be held with pupils ‘ representatives, community and spiritual young person leaders to edify me and other sexual wellness experts on the sexual wellness demands, cognition and behavior of striplings in the state. This is important to the programme as surveies have shown that most SRH instruction programmes are affected by disused and hapless information ( Slap et al 2003 ) . The programme will affect striplings in and out of school. For those in schools, the current course of study would be maintained but subjects taught will be the same for both those in junior and senior categories to forestall the juniors seeking information from the senior category which they might non cognize and mislead them. Specialized instructors and SRH professionals will make the instruction to cut down the sum of embarrassment, trusting to construct the assurance of instructors and pupils with clip, so that they can hold more unfastened treatment about SRH issues. In add-on to what equal pedagogues are already making, they will besides be involved in given negotiations making seminars and runs as this is proven to be effectual ( Okonofua et al 2003 ) . For striplings out of school, community and spiritual young person leaders will be given the same preparation as those in schools to take the function of equal pedagogues. Seminars will be organise in churches, mosque and young person assemblages within communities where equal pedagogues will be joined by specialized instructors and SRH professional to give negotiations on SRH issues to the young person. Social selling will be used largely to make out to those out of school. Ads on wireless and telecasting will be done in common local linguistic communications for those who are illiterate. Studies will be done to place catchment countries for striplings where function dramas and picture shows will be organised on SRH issues for them. In add-on to these, in service seminars will be organised for wellness workers in SRH clinics. In these seminars accent will be on schemes aimed at de-stigmatising cultural perceptual experiences about STDs. This is important as surveies carried out in Kenya and Zambia suggests that nurse accoucheuses working in sexual wellness clinics did non like go toing to adolescent with STDs because they see them as promiscuous ( Warenius et al 20060 ) . Hospitals will besides be encouraged to put a twenty-four hours or half twenty-four hours for assignments for striplings and besides do information cusps on SRH available at clinics for patients to pick and read more on SRH issues. In audience with young person leaders and SRH experts, young person Centres will be set up with clinical countries. This is to guarantee that locations of Centres are convenient for striplings. Services will include guidance, prophylactic services, STDs and relationships. The clinical country will supply diagnostic services such as research lab and scan services and clinics will be organised twice a hebdomad for those who need medical services to be seen by wellness professionals. To do these Centres youth-friendly, both striplings and SRH professional will run the Centres. Finally, traditional therapists will be educated on SRH issues and encouraged to mention patients to wellness professionals for a item. Parents will besides be encouraged to discourse SRH issues with their kids to assist bridge the spread of striplings seeking information from their equals.EvaluationEvaluation of the programme will be ongoing at each stage of the programme to set and better on loopholes. Final rating will be carried out a twelvemonth after implementing the programme. To acquire a brooding image of the impact of the programme, random sampling of in and out of school striplings will be done to avoid choosing merely those exposed to the programme. Questionnaires will be used and inquiries will be asked on ; where striplings get information on SRH, barriers they face accessing SRH attention, handiness of young person Centres and service provided. Indictors will be ; 10 % decrease in the Numberss of reported STDs instances among striplings. Continuous usage of societal selling schemes in the programme. SRH instruction being examinable in schools. 20 % addition in striplings accessing SRH services. Result of the rating will be used to better on loopholes in the programme to accomplish the coveted result.DecisionThe SRH demands of striplings should non be over looked, as complications from these wellness issues can be significant for both persons and the authorities ( WHO, 2003 ) . Adolescents in Nigeria are said to miss equal cognition about SRH issues, but perceptual experience of people about STDs and hapless wellness installations have all contributed to the high incidence of STDs among striplings. There is the demand for a countrywide arguments on how SRH information should be disseminated to striplings and besides diffuse the negative perceptual experiences about STDs and other SRH issues. Existing SRH installations for striplings should be improved upon both in footings of substructure and forces. The authorities should besides make the atmosphere for private sector engagement in presenting SRH plans so people can do picks. It should nevertheless, be emphasised that the success or otherwise of any intercession will besides depend on the willingness of people to accept it.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Globalisation and business enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Globalisation and business enterprise - Essay Example ANZ has on offer a wide range of financial related products and also services. The bank has a global presence. The bank has branches in Asia, United Kingdom, Europe, the Pacific region, and also in the United States. It is considered as one among world’s 100 largest banking organizations. Global recession is said to be a period of time when global economy slows down considerably. In the recent times, the world economy entered into recession since the year of 2008. Due to crisis occurring because of sub-prime scenario the trade of both goods and assets decreased throughout the world. Business cycle related correlation had increased during the sub-prime crisis. Due to this trade of goods as well as GDP relative financial openness also increased. But the needed change in allocation of this goods and trade was not properly correlated with the shifting of the business cycle synchronization. Due to this scenario through out the world the global economic has seen a severe decline and for this reason the world’s financial situation has been affected in almost every sector (Imbs, 2009). ANZ National Bank in New Zealand has an omnipotent presence in the lives of people of the country. It has touched their lives through a wide range of scenario. It is one of the highest profit and asset making companies of the country. They have around 9,000 employees in the bank through out the country. The bank is a financial source for home loans. It also generates Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the country’s economy. It has associated itself with charitable events and also other events of sponsorship (ANZ National Bank Limited, 2010). In the present day, globalization has changed the way business is done. It has made business organizations to think of global trade and potential of growth in the overseas market. It is considered that global trade has a possibility of changing the standard of living of people by improving

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Case study analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Case study analysis - Essay Example Jessica, in her description, stated the behavioural problems John underwent. According to her recount of events, John was not talking as early as the age of two. John is obsessed with his train toys and spends most of the time playing with them. Every time his mother changes his routine, he became completely agitated. He would even get displeased when interrupted to go to bed. John’s behaviour in school also worried her mother. He would invade other childrens playing spaces while at school, where he would scratch or bite them when frustrated. He also often licked playground equipment and doorknobs. John would exhibit varied reactions to signal what he wants. For instance, he once threw a temper tantrum in frustration that he would not have what he wants. Jessica was so worried about the inability of his son to express himself. Thus, she decided to contact our social working centre, whereby I was assigned to work on the case. Jessica reported that John lags behind his age mates in self-help skills. Recently, however, Jessica observed that John was succeeding in toilet training. He has been staying dry more often and would ask when he wants to visit the bathroom. Nonetheless, John still experienced accidents during the nights. His attempts to learn how to dress had been futile as he still put on clothes inside out. John, on a positive note, followed instructions, especially when told to stay indoors. Jessica discovered that John’s condition would trigger taunts and provocations from truants in the neighbourhood. One of the boys in the neighbourhood had been purportedly doing drugs. Jessica, therefore, felt that he would be a bad influence to his estranged son. Jessica mother firmly believed that John’s was a consequence of poor parenting. Her neglect of John and the physical abuses of his ex-husband may have contributed to John’s condition. As a solution, she believed that

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Advice Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Advice Paper - Essay Example Do not leave anything out of the story. From your letter it sounds as if the whole thing was just a product of old memories surfacing. Explain this to Josh and let him know that you still want to be with him, not anybody else. Most importantly do no ever conceal anything from him again. His trust in you is already shaky; you do not want to damage it anymore, either by your actions or inactions. I understand it will be hard for you and Josh to discuss your affair but it needs to be done if you hope to save your relationship at all. Infidelity in relationships has been happening as long as men and women have been involved in committed relationships. According to Metts, Roscoe, Cavanaugh, and Kennedy, and Jones and Burdette two of the main types of betrayal are: infidelity, physical and emotional, and lying. Sexual infidelity comprises not only the act of sexual intercourse itself but also making out with someone else. Hansen reported that 70.9% of men and 57.4% of women admitted to some type of sexual activity with someone other than their partner. Gordon, Baucom, and Snyder stated that "infidelity is an interpersonally traumatic event for the couple and can be disruptive to their ability to function and interact with each other". Reactions to infidelity are varied depending on the seriousness of the infidelity as perceived by the injured partner. Buunk proposes three ways the injured partner will react to an affair. The first is angry retreat. The injured partner pulls away emotionally and physically, they see k revenge, or they end the relationship. The second way is accommodation. In this way the injured partner express loyalty, understanding, and forgiveness towards the offending partner. The final way is an assertive response. The injured partner tries to protect themselves and will voice their feelings and concerns. Repairing the relationship will not be an easy task. After such a major relational transgression as infidelity the injured partner will need time to work through their emotions. The previous commitment level will influence the outcome along with whether the injured partner is male or female. Men are more likely to be less inclined to forgiveness than women . At this point in the relationship the partners have a decision to make. Will they stay together or will they break-up In order to even try to repair the relationship the offending partner must prove than s/he is sorry and admit responsibility for the affair. The injured partner needs to feel empathy for the other partner in order for them to understand the relationship and head towards forgiveness. Guerrero, Andersen, & Afifi inform us that "forgiveness is a complicated process" and that "forgiving and forgetting are two different things". In a study done by Shackelford, Buss, and Bennet, consisting of 256 subjects, 61.9% of men reported that sexual intercourse upset them more, 65.1% of men found sexual infidelity harder to forgive, and 54.8% of men would end a relationship because of sexual infidelity. In another study conducted by Shackelford, LeBlanc, and Drass it was found that even the suspicion of an affair would produce jealously. Jealously can be a relational transgression itself or a side effect of another transgression. The most common signs are questioning a partner obsessively, wanting to be closer to the other partner, and needing to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Hittites History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hittites History - Essay Example The Indo-European-speaking Hittites probably began arriving peacefully in northwestern Anatolia from the Balkans about 2500 B.C., traveling from the Kurgan pit-grave culture of the Eurasian steppe. They settled in northwestern Anatolia, across the west and south of the peninsula about 2300 B.C., although many more may have immigrated from the south over the next three centuries. A northeastern route, through the Caucasus has also been suggested, but that seems linguistically and archaeologically less likely. In any event, when Assyrian traders reached central Anatolia around 1900 B.C., they found an Indo-European-speaking people firmly established, who had harmoniously integrated with the indigenous Hattian population of the local city-states. By 1650, the ruler Hattusilis I founded the Hittite Kingdom when he established the capital of Hattusas. The ensuing two centuries constitute the period known as the Hittite Empire's Old Kingdom. Hattusilis recognized that controlling trade routes and metal sources were fundamental to the early empire's prosperity, and he and his successor, Mursilis, began tracing the commercial route running along the Euphrates to northern Syria. Hattusilis failed to subjugate the northern end of the Euphrates from Aleppo, but Mursilis not only conquered Aleppo, he rashly advanced on Babylon, which he captured in 1595 B.C. Holding the city proved untenable, and when Mursilis returned to Hattusas, he was assassinated. The Hittite kingdom was rocked by a period of instability, known as the Middle Kingdom, lasting for a 70-year period from 1500-1430 B.C. Yet the seeds for the Hittites' emerging cultural prosperity and military dominance had been sewn. Hattusili's early and original contribution in legal thought, one that lays the groundwork for a crude form of democratic government, was the "pankus." The pankus was a council of nobles. It was not a popularly elected legislative body, however, but did serve as a check and balance to the actions of the king. The pankus was officially charged to "advise" the king, but its powers could extend so far as to execute the Hittite leader if he overstepped his moral authority. It's also clear, during Hattusili's reign, that the movement and trade of metals was a stimulus to the Hittite economy. Assyrian merchants had traditionally ventured into Anatolia in search of tin, silver, and gold, commodities that were essential to the outside world. But there were other valuable commodities as well, and Hittite miners and metal workers were intent on exploring them (James D. Muhly, Mining and Metalwork in Ancient Western Asia, in Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, ed. J. M. Sasson et al., New York: Scribner, 1995). Among merchant colonies and urban communities, the Hittites began acquiring a reputation as a people skilled in metallurgy. They were also recognized as fierce warriors, and the products their craftsmen forged - particularly in the area of weaponry - reflected their kings' strong imperialistic ambitions. Fortified double-walls with deep gorges between them made Hattusas impenetrable to invaders, and it was in the capital city that modern blast furnaces were

Sunday, August 25, 2019

WalMart Strategic Audit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

WalMart Strategic Audit - Essay Example b. Top Management III. EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT: a In order to analyze the strategic situation first of all SWOT analysis have been under taken, which I have presented as under: SWOT Analysis of the Wal-Mart Company STRENGTHS Strong Brand name. Extended customer in more than 200 countries. Use of SAP R/3 Enterprise Resource planning software Low threat of new entrants. Continuous training programs for employees. High budgets of advertising and promotion. Good relations with media. Web based presence. WEAKNESSES Subsidiaries create legal and territorial problems. Lack of funds for regional suppliers to continue expansion Old image still exists. Inconsistent marketing message. OPPORTUNITIES Expansion in shape of introduction of new and innovative products. Expanding market due to globalization. THREATS Current economic climate. Results to be achieved in future can be less than projected "The Threats-Opportunities-Weaknesses-Strengths (TOWS) Matrix is an important matching tool that helps managers develop four types of strategies: So Strategies, WO strategies, ST Strategies, and WT Strategies. SO strategies use a firm's internal strengths to take advantage of external opportunities. WO Strategies aim at improving internal weaknesses by taking advantage of external opportunities. ST Strategies use a firm's strengths to avoid or reduce the impact of external threats. WT Strategies are defensive tactics directed at reducing internal weaknesses and avoiding environmental threats." (David, 180-181) SWOT Matrix: External Opportunities (O) 1. Double-digit growth rate in retail market in Central and North Europe. 2. Consumption of 70 cans per capita annually. External Threats (T) 1. Moderate threat of substitutes. 2. Competitors have gained...(P.454) The process of strategic management has proven to be the force of providing financial benefits for the organizations. In The Balanced Scorecard, Kaplan and Norton provided managers a framework to measure organizational performance from four perspectives: financial, customer, internal business processes, and learning and growth. While organizations worked to implement their own strategy for using balanced measures, Kaplan and Norton discovered a consistent pattern for achieving strategic focus and alignment." (Kaplan & Norton) "The Threats-Opportunities-Weaknesses-Strengths (TOWS) Matrix is an important matching tool that helps managers develop four types of strategies: So Strategies, WO strategies, ST Strategies, and WT Strategies. 6. Wal-Mart is one of the many organizations that use SAP R/3 Enterprise Resource planning software. This software allows all members of the Wal-Mart organization to access the information at anytime where ever they are in the world." (The geographic view of Wal-Mart can be label as global) * "The Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix is another important stage 2 matching tool with four-quadrant framework indicates whether aggressive, conservative, defensive, or competitive strategies are most appropriate for a given organization.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Charachter Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Charachter Critique - Essay Example She cared for the people on earth and helps those who infected with AIDS. She started over a thousand foundation, however, the first one she started, was without any funds, which shows how compassionate and she was ambitious to do something for the well being of people. The objective of her life was to care for people and she spent 60 years of life in the slums of Calcutta. She helped the poor by giving them food, clothing, shelter and she was particularly devoted to helping the sick like lepers. She even cared about those people, who were dying or those who were abandoned by their loved ones. However, it wasn’t easy; she faced a lot of difficulties, extremely challenging situations and she had to put herself through a lot of hardships. This personality trait of her teaches people to take care of others, even if means sacrificing your own needs and desires. There is a quote of hers, which states, â€Å"I for one do like the worldly comforts and I am sure you do too. And you know what, that’s perfectly fine. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Just don’t be wasteful†. (Marques). The second personality trait of Mother Teresa was her strong faith. She faced many challenges in her life, because providing for the poor and taking care of them wasn’t an easy task. Faith was perhaps her solid foundation, which didn’t tremble when she faced difficulties; her faith taught her the core values of life, which was to take care of the poor and love them. She stated that, â€Å"In this life, we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.† The presence of her strong faith was the reason why Mother Teresa did so many things for the human kind. As she was inspired by Jesus, she involved herself in charity life and lived simply like him. She even believed that the God called her Himself and instructed her to work for the benefit of mankind. She left her convent in 1948 and opened her first charity organization, a home

Friday, August 23, 2019

How the Hubbell telescope is an innovation in science Essay

How the Hubbell telescope is an innovation in science - Essay Example The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is 43.5 feet (13m) long and weighs a massive twenty-four thousand five hundred pounds (11,110 kilograms). The (HST) is quite complex as even the main reflective mirror on the inside is seven feet ten inches (2.5m). It still today holds the title of the most impressive telescope ever built. During its cycle of rotation, this 2.2 billion dollar unit can orbit planet Earth more than fifteen times the hours in one twenty-four hour day. It is capable of transmitting heavy amounts of information data equivalent to filling ten thousand floppy disks completely full. On April twenty-fifth nineteen ninety, a theoretical astrophysicist Lyman Spitzer’s research proposals of a working space telescope became a reality as the space shuttle Discovery deployed the Hubble Telescope into space. Being named after the great Edwin Hubble himself, it began on its course of data collecting that would forever change the way that the scientific community analyzed astron omic data and measurements. Capturing some of the most incredible photos, the Hubble has made many successful discoveries including helping scientist to determine the age of the universe. Thus far the massive Hubble Telescope has accomplished many feats. From the discovery of black holes to the probing of several different galaxy centers, the (HST) continues to prove to be an innovation to science providing answers to profound and complex astronomic equations. A major difference that distinctly separates the Hubble Telescope to be in a league of its own is the fact that when using earth bound telescopes, scientist could not clearly see the objects that were deep in space because light from the atmosphere causes fuzzy images and distorts the light waves within the visible spectrum of the telescopes view. The Hubble however, was created with the power to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Business Ethics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12500 words

Business Ethics - Coursework Example 1.2.4 Importance of business ethics and morality in the working environment 12 1.3 Problem of Statement 14 1.4 Purpose of the study 14 1.5 Significance of the study 15 1.6 Scope and limitations 15 1.7 Definition of terms 15 1.8 Summary 17 Chapter two 18 Literature review 18 2.1 introduction 18 2.2 history of the research 18 2.3 Review of business Ethics 19 2.4 Business ethics and profitability 24 2.5 Summary 26 Chapter three 27 Research methodology 27 3.1 Introduction 27 3.2 Research methods applied 27 3.2.1 Quantitative research methodology 27 3.2.2 Qualitative research methodology 28 3.2.3 Justification for using the quantitative and qualitative research methodology 28 3.3 Techniques of data collection 28 3.3.1 Primary data collection protocols 29 3.3.3 Selected data collection protocols 30 3.4 Theoretical Framework 30 3.4.1 Variables used in the study 30 3.4.2 Rationale for selecting and using the variables selected 32 3.5 Research subjects 32 3.5.1 Research data parameters 32 3.6 Designing the questionnaire 34 3.6.1 Description of the questionnaire used 34 3.6.2 Categories of the question used 35 3.6.3 Sources of information 36 3.7 Conducting interviews 36 The Research Questionnaire 36 The interview questions 40 Questions to the employees 40 Question to the management 41 3.8.1 Collecting information from previous works 42 3.8.2 Company reports 42 3.8.3 Study of governmental guideline and policies 42 3.9 Summary 42 Chapter four 43 Results and Discussions 43 4.1 Results from the questionnaire 43 4.1.1 Size of the firm 43 4.1.2 Management levels/organizational structure 44 Figure 4.1: hierarchical organization structure 44 Figure 4.2: hierarchical organization structure 45 4.1.3 Code of ethics 46 4.1.4 Updating of...Previous study shows that morality and business ethics is not only an important and compulsory part of business success, but also a methods of fostering cooperation and honesty among its workforce as well as encouraging candor towards the societal and philosophical issues about the business responsibility in contributing to the community welfare and Environmental preservation. The researcher in this paper studies the morality of business ethics in a profitable organization. The researcher investigative edge is to determine the effects of morality to the triumph of any organization, determine any incentives given to augment morality in the business environ as well as examine whether ethical issues are mandatory and obligatory for the success and operation of any corporation. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are applied to carefully study the business milieu with the view of drawing a conclusive result on the issue. The researcher also formulated questionnaires and relied on first hand information to investigate the complex aspect of morality in business from a multidimensional view. The term business ethics can be defined as accepted or prescribed code of conduct in the business atmosphere. Ethical principles govern the operations of the business environment and incorporate all aspects of the industry conduct, conduct of individuals and organizations as a whole.

Technical Writting Essay Example for Free

Technical Writting Essay Company Introduction Texans r Us is in search of a Microsoft trainer to train the staff in Microsoft Office Programs. This Request for Proposal (RFP) will layout the company background and scope of work and will describe the project. If your agency would like to be considered for this project submits a written proposal that concentrates on the points of this RFP no later than Feb 18, 2013. The goal of this project is to fully train the staff of Texans r Us in Microsoft Office Programs. Upon completion of the training each staff member will be proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Project Introduction The goal of the project is to have the entire staff of Texans r Us trained in Microsoft Office programs. Texans r Us consist of four to five employees per location with five locations. The timeframe for this project is as follows: * October 18: Distribute RFP to various agencies * October 22: Deadline for agencies to submit proposals. * October 25: Texans r Us will be available for agency inquiry. * November 8: Contact agencies that will be considered as well as agencies that will not be considered * November 15 – 19: Agencies will be presented to team members * November 22: Contact agency chosen and draw up contract. *November 29: Start date for new agency and meeting with team members. The budget for 2013 training will be prearranged by Texans r Us when agency is elected. The range for the budget is $20,000 $30,000. Administrative information The desired qualifications for the selected agency: * Microsoft Certified Professionals. * Client references. * Excellent writing and verbal skills. The required format for submitting proposals are to include a title page, letter of transmittal, executive summary table of contents and list of visuals. There should also be an introduction and a clear and concise plan for executing the project All proposals submitted will become the sole property of Texans r Us and will not be shared with second or third party clients. If there are any further questions please contact Eli Mata at 555-555-5555.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Use of Gender in Advertising

Use of Gender in Advertising Gender and Media Advertising. Introduction: The final dissertation will research, analyze and summarize the findings pertaining to the use of gender in advertising and the possible effects on the target market and society. The media advertising covered to include both print and electronic media and will, at minimum, encompass examples from magazines, television and Internet advertising, as they are the most pervasive within western society. A brief history of advertising and common techniques used in advertising, such as branding, to be included as background information. Methodology.   Content analysis to be done on selected major advertising campaigns in the three specified media of magazines, television and Internet. Additional quantitative analysis tools will be used, where required. Body   The research question to be addressed is: Identify and analyze the use of gender in media advertising, and its probable effects on society and summarize the findings. Provide background information on the historical and ethical use of advertising, including marketing techniques and refer to key proponents of the subject. For the purpose of the dissertation the following definitions will be applied throughout Gender  ( â€Å"the characteristics, whether biological or socially influenced, by which people define male and female.† (Myers, 2002)Advertising ( Generally speaking, advertising is the promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas, usually by an identified sponsor. To achieve the required results, information and advertisements will be gathered from multiple sources; including magazines with different target audiences, television advertising and related articles, as well as Internet sites that promote specific products. Internet sites to include both product sites which are selected by the consumer and pop up advertising which is unsolicited. The content analysis of the data will take into consideration the techniques used, how appropriate the gender usage is related to the nature of the product being marketed and the target audience. The results to be summarized, categorized and reported based on the different media being evaluated as they use differing marketing techniques. This could result in gender content in advertising being less appropriate in certain mediums, based on the target audience and whether the target had the choice to select the specific advertisement. Printed media provides standard content for all consumers who view or purchase the magazine Television advertising is timed, niche type marketing to gain the attention of the most likely target market e.g. car related products advertised during NASCAR racing   Internet advertising is often one-on-one marketing based on the specific consumers past usage of Internet sites and information gathered by marketers on consumers from their web sites. e.g. Amazon analyze purchases made and then advertise selected products based on this history data to that individual consumer Certain products advertise using all of the above channels and are likely to prove to be good examples for inclusion in the dissertation. They will provide a total view of a product’s advertising strategy, as well as have a broad effect on society. Such products advertising could include additional channels, such as billboards and cinema advertising and this should be noted and included, where applicable. Where possible, marketing research carried out by the products marketing company will be included to validate the target markets and identify their marketing strategies.    The analysis must include the use of both men and women in advertising and the results need to identify and specify the differences and similarities in the use of both in the specific advertisements.   For this to provide a balanced comparison, the products for both sexes should be comparable, e.g. apparel. In addition to specifically looking at the effects of gender in advertising, any product that displays misleading facts, either by inclusion or omission of relevant facts, in any aspect, is to be investigated and included in the results. I believe that the dissertation will show that there are many examples of gender being included inappropriately by the media. If the introduction of a specific gender in an advertisement has no bearing on the product or the usage thereof, and is included only to engage the interest of the potential consumer, the inclusion is likely to be unnecessary and probably inappropriate. Such misuse could result in a number of negative effects on the consumer, for example Raises false expectations of the effect of the product being marketed Creates stereotypes in the minds of the general public which are erroneous Literature review As part of the analysis, identify and read up articles from key authors on the subject matter and include their findings relating to gender issues in advertising and any other appropriate sources outputs in the dissertation. Assumptions The dissertation is limited to advertising for an adult market and will not include marketing specifically aimed at children or teens. The study will only include media in English that is primarily used in the western world If specific print magazines, periodicals, companies or advertising campaigns are to be included in the study, this will be stated by the client The dissertation relates to advertising directed at the general public and therefore excludes business-to-business marketing and advertising strategies. Possible Limitations The topic will be limited to media advertising in English speaking, western society only, although I believe the use of gender in advertising could have a far greater negative impact in the Middle and Far East. The culture of consumers differs across Europe and the Americas and certain cultural groups will view advertisements differently. If the advertising has been customized by country or region to accommodate differing cultures, this could fragment some of the results. Conclusion: The choice of suitable products and the media advertising utilized is vital to the quality of the final dissertation. Tables and graphs to be included to illustrate the findings, where applicable. The dissertation will summarize the findings of the analysis carried out and document both the negative and positive aspects of gender usage as studied in media advertising. Any unethical practices identified which result in misleading the target market to be included, regardless of whether they specifically relate to the inclusion of gender bias.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Does the Market System Best Allocate Resources?

Does the Market System Best Allocate Resources? In order to accurately examine the belief that the market system best allocates resources and encourages positive investment climate we must look at the functioning of the market system, resource allocation and the criterion within a positive investment climate. A Market System is a system where buyers and sellers interact without the intervention of government regulations. Inherent in this system is the concept that sellers want to gain maximum price for the goods, services and resources offered and buyers want to receive value for the lowest price. The balance of this relationship leads ultimately to the market equilibrium price. However, important to note in this system is that all factors external to the Market have no effect on this relationship that is government regulations or policies. Resources are therefore strictly allocated to the production of those goods which give the sellers maximum return and correspondingly give the consumers the maximum satisfaction of their wants at a market price. Within the Market system resource allocation is heavily dependent on the variations of the price of the resources themselves. Price acts as an indicator to both the consumers and the sellers within the market (Price Signals as Guides for Resource Allocation, Anon, n.d.) To be explicit given accurate price information the sellers will use high priced scarce raw materials, (e.g copper market) or resources to produce goods of high value. Likewise only those consumers who see benefit in consuming those higher valued goods will demand them therefore achieving balance within the system. Similarly where the price of a readily available resource is low it will be allocated by the resource users for use to produced goods in a lower valued tier and consumer behavior will also react accordingly. To summarize, the shifts in the price of privately owned resources within a free market results from the shifts in the demand and supply of the resource i.e. capital, labor, raw material. This is believed to lead in turn to efficient resource allocation by the resource owners through: (Expanding the supply) Reallocating resources to the production of high priced goods. (Contracting supply) Reallocating resources away from the production of low priced goods. Reallocating resources to production of goods in high demand by consumers in order absorb excess demand. Reallocating resources away from the production of goods in low demand in order to absorb excess supply. Therefore efficient allocation of scarce resources is based on private consumption, production decisions or a combination of both at the market equilibrium price. The investment climate itself is determined by several factors which affect the investment choices, opportunities and the resultant benefits gained by a firm or investor. A good investment climate encourages efficiency and productivity in order to increase profits and therefore increase capital available for investment (Investment Climate, Anon, n.d.). We must recall that the market system itself encourages producers to allocate resources such that they are put to use where there will be no wastage at the market price i.e. Pareto optimal allocation (Griffiths and Wall 2008 p. 212). Therefore we can say that the market system fosters efficiency within the business environment through full utilization of investment capital, machinery and labor. Essentially this indicates that the market system encourages a positive investment climate. It can be said that the creation of employment and market expansion is an indicator of a positive investment climate. As established, the market system is such that, where opportunities exists for both expansion into new markets or producer output to be increased, the private owner of the resources will act in response . For example, all things being equal, increased consumer demand for natural gas converted cars in Trinidad and Tobago would lead to increased production of scarce natural gas and new suppliers followed by increased job opportunities. From our examination of the market system and scarce resource allocation within it we have seen why it is believed by some that the market system is the best mechanism for allocating scarce resource. This is justified through accurate market price signals and the resultant efficiencies created and the positive effects these have on the investment climate. Bibliography References PURE MARKET ECONOMY, AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2010. [Accessed: November 10, 2010]. 746 Q.2 Why do some people believe that not everything can be left to the free market, but that governments also have a role to play in encouraging a positive investment climate? Explain your reasoning. In order to explore why some may believe that everything cannot be left up to the free market but government has a role to play in fostering a positive investment climate we must first look at what constitutes a good investment climate. The World Bank Report (2005) declared that a good investment climate is not one only centered on profit generation but one which cultivates benefits to society as a whole. Taking into consideration the free market system and its characteristics it is established that in this system exists: Private ownership of the scarce resources. The private needs and wants and or production decisions influence the allocation of scarce resources. Profit maximization as aim of producers. That is to say the free market system does not factor in the needs of society in pricing or distribution of scarce resources. The market system is such that scarce resources are allocated to the production of those goods whose market price yields maximum gain. However, in the production of these goods in the pure market system will to certain effects. These effects are known as Externalities. It is known that externalities occur when economic decisions create costs (negatives) and benefits for people other than the decision taker (Griffiths Wall, 2008). Externalities often lead misallocation of the scarce resources (Griffiths Wall, 2008, p. 35). These misallocations of scarce resources in the free market may occur where: The social benefit of production is not maximized as opposed to the private benefit of the production (profit maximizing firm). The social cost of production is less than the private cost. Where these situations are left unchecked, as will occur in a free market system, they will lead to over production and under production respectively (Griffiths Wall, 2008, p.283 p.284). There are other ways in which the free market will lead to misallocations such as in the provision of public goods, These would not be produced by the market system since no private benefit would be gained. Additionally where imperfect information exists within a market it can lead to misallocations (Griffiths Wall, 2008). This is especially important since the consumer and producers within a free market depend on information in order to allocate their resources i.e. capital. For example where a firm will make false claims about the high quality product which have not been verified by a government agency, this will lead to consumers using this product based on these claims. This will in turn signal to producers to elevate to higher production levels. The market system also has inherent failures for example natural monopolies and externalities. Where monopolies We must now consider what role the government plays in offsetting these inefficiencies and encouraging a good investment climate. As discussed previously a positive investment climate is one which considers the needs of the society. Therefore one important role the government plays in fostering this climate is in the provision of public goods, for example the police force for maintaining order in society. This also leads to trickle down benefits to the firm in terms of a stable society and deterrent to crime which is a cost to the firm (World Bank Report, 2005). The government can also seek to create opportunities for employment which is hallmark of a good investment climate. This may be done by providing incentives, financial or otherwise, to firms who introduce youth apprenticeship programs. The World Bank Report (2005) says that government has to control the markets through macro and micro economic policy. This may occur specifically in the form of regulations and also taxation. Consider where an environmental tax is introduced for firms producing a product with a dangerous chemical byproduct. This passes on the true costs of production to the firm. These capital gains by government can then be reinvested into society. Whilst the free market may allocate resources it is important to remember this allocation is based on profits and price signals. The government must therefore control the direct factor markets to some extent to bring fairness and stability. This may be achieved through minimum wage legislation or controls on the trade union powers. As we have seen the free market system on its own will lead to inefficiencies and misallocation. If a positive investment climate is to be fostered the government must interject in the form of macro and micro economic policies. Ideally this intervention results in a duality of benefits to both the firm and the society in the form of expanded growth and opportunity for all (The World Bank, 2005). Suggest some actual government policies that might be used in your country (name the country) to improve the investment climate. Explain your reasoning. The World Bank (2005) suggests that a good investment climate benefits society as a whole, not just firms. And it embraces all firms, not just large or politically connected firms. The government plays a central role in furnishing the improvement of the investment climate through use of policies and regulations. Let us examine some government policies that might be used in Trinidad and Tobago to facilitate the improvement of the investment climate. In Trinidad and Tobago there exists a problem within the land market of unregistered residential properties, with most residential properties being unregistered. As a result transactions within the property market have become an extremely complex and expensive process. This has resulted in a small supply of registered lands being available for purchase, as a consequence, property ownership and even rental in some cases, is only within the reach of the rich. I suggest that the Trinidad government adopt a housing policy that promotes property ownership for all. Through rapid programs of registration of title the supply lands readily available would increase sending market prices down. In so doing, in the medium to long run this would Raise living standards by potentially placing wealth in the hands of all. Secure future property rights of citizens. Reinvigorate the stagnant financial market for loans. Potentially create thousands of jobs within the construction and trades sectors. We must remember that the business environment must also benefit if an improved investment climate is to be realized. Therefore another policy that could be adopted is one of zero percent corporation tax for a fixed period for newly incorporated firms within the manufacturing sector. This would result in creation of new firms, jobs and creation of new business opportunities within the capital market. Additionally, these incentives would lead to expansion of the manufacturing sector, and improvements in the trade deficit position. For the benefit of existing firms the government could also drastically reduce the tax on profits gained from exports as was done in India during the 80s (World Bank, 2005). This would lead to stimulation of the manufacturing sector, increase of the countrys GDP and investments in new technology to improve production efficiency. Trinidad and Tobago suffers from the plagued of crime and a painfully slow justice system. The social policy areas of crime and justice must be looked at urgently by the government in conjunction with the above stated policies. Through reform of the crime and justice policies, improvements in the Investment Climate will be seen and would be advantageous to both society and firms. It is known that crime places additional costs on firms through hiring of security and losses from robberies (World Bank, 2005). Also the risk to investment associated with corruption poses a constant threat to investors, both foreign and local. Likewise crime affects the society as a whole corroding the investment climate. Therefore the policy should seek to: Focus on shortening the process time for serious violent crimes. Significantly increase the severity of punishment for violent crimes and public dissemination of information of such. Strengthen the anti corruption laws to reduce investment risks. There are numerous policy tools available to the government to intervene and improve the investment climate. The policies explored will improve the investment climate since both the firms and society will be benefactors. Q2. It is said that the main aims of macroeconomic policy are to achieve sustainable economic growth, a low rate of inflation, low unemployment and a balance of payments equilibrium For ONE country of your choice (name the country) a) Consider to what extent these aims have been achieved over the last 10 years b) Choose ONE of the aims and discuss the policies which the Government might use to achieve this aim over the next 10 years c) Recently it has been suggested that increasing the happiness of the population of the country should replace these 4 aims as the key objective of government policy. Discuss the difficulties the Government might encounter in trying to achieve this objective. a) The Trinidad and Tobago government, like most countries, intervenes into the working of its economy through the use of its macroeconomic policy. In order to assess their success over the past 10 years in doing so, we must first look at what macroeconomic policy entails. Macroeconomic policy can be described broadly as the range of strategies used by a government to influence the workings of the economy or economic business cycle. Traditionally a government can influence the macro environment of an economy through the use of fiscal and monetary policies. Fiscal policies are aimed at controlling government revenues and monetary policies are geared towards controlling the supply and demand for money (Griffiths Wall, 2008). Low inflation may be considered to occur where prices rise steadily as oppose to periods of high inflation where consumer prices rise sharply. During the last ten year period the Trinidad government to a degree failed to achieve low inflation rates. Over the period 1999-2009 Trinidad and Tobago had varying rates of inflation as shown in Table 1.Trinidad and Tobago is often considered to have relatively low inflation however during the period 2004 to 2005 it experienced a relatively sharp increase in consumer inflation. Thereafter a sharp increase in the price of consumer goods resulted. During this period the government adjusted its fiscal policy decreasing the tax base and increasing their expenditure on large infrastructure projects. The periods that followed also showed increases in inflation in line with the increases in aggregate demand within the Trinidad and Tobago economy. During the last ten year period the government achieved relatively low unemployment figures primarily through the government driven infrastructure program, community employment programs and investment in downstream energy projects. The government also sought to achieve balance of payments equilibrium through investments large manufacturing projects, increasing the availability of acreage for oil exploration and contraction of car imports market. Additionally they increased their savings base by offering bonds and financial instrument on the open market during the period. Trinidad and Tobago experienced marked economic growth over the last ten years, seen by the consistent yearly increase in the GDP. This can be attributed to the increase in foreign currency reserves from Oil and Gas exports. Also, from the supply side, the government sought to expand the supply of labor through the tertiary level financial assistance programs. However sustainable growth is concerned not only with expansion of the economy but also with low inflationary growth and resource issues (Pettinger, 2008). In this regard, Trinidad have not been successful since there have been upward inflationary pressure in the economy coupled with lax environmental regulations during the period. In Addition to these facts the oil and gas reserves are being exhausted at a rapid rate though the One Horse economy. Trinidad and Tobago has done comparatively well in achieving the aims of macroeconomic policy. However, its success can be misleading since the government benefitted from windfalls from the oil and gas industry. Also the corresponding issues of growing inflation, resource exhaustion and environmental degradation still prevail. b) Sustainable economic growth can be thought to be manifest by the expansion of the Gross Domestic Product of a nation. However it is also thought to include low inflationary growth and productive sustainability (Pettinger, 2008). In order for Trinidad and Tobago to achieve sustainable growth in the next ten years the government must look at the following policy initiatives: 1. Diversification of the economy by investing in the agricultural sector. 2. Pursue the establishment of local Economic Zones or Free trade to encourage investment in manufacturing; to include removal of import duties on purchases of new capital equipment. Trinidad and Tobago has the climate, acreage and resources available for the expansion of its agricultural sector. The enhancement of this sector would lead to increases in exports, inflows of foreign currency and increases in the employment base. The improvement of this industry would also result in lower food prices resulting in lower consumer inflation (Sankar, 2010). The establishment of an economic zone would lead to increases in foreign direct investments and economies of scale for local producers who stand to benefit from foreign know how (World Bank Report, 2005, p.167). The government must also include tax breaks for exporters in the economic Zone which should encourage further investment. These initiatives when grouped would ensure sustainable economic growth in Trinidad in the next ten years since they would lead to increased exports, productive output and curb price inflation. Additionally the problem of resource exhaustion would be aided through diversification of the economy. From these facts it is conclusive to say that through a policy liberalization and expansion of the agriculture sector Trinidad can achieve sustainable economic growth in the next ten years c) Increasing the happiness of a people is purported to be able to replace the four aims of macroeconomic policy. It is often argued that by increasing happiness that output and national income will be increased whilst high unemployment and inflation will not occur. Veenhoven (2005) describes happiness as the personal enjoyment one gains from his life as a whole. However, there exists no standard measure for the happiness of a nation. A government would first face a dilemma in choosing measures of happiness since it is a subjective topic. Additionally happiness has been seen to be relative such that measures of happiness may have to differ based on class or even race (Layard, 2005 cited by Griffiths and Wall, 2008, pp. 78, 79). It is important to remember that man has unlimited wants. Therefore it follows that another dilemma which would face governments with an objective of happiness is the utilization of scarce resources. Are they to allocate resources to produce more luxury items? Happiness as a replacement for the aims of macroeconomic policy is a utopian ideology of modern economists. The implementation of such an objective would call for massive shifts in thinking, policy and regulatory structure of the Trinidad government. These shifts call for long term planning which is always a problem for small emerging economies like Trinidad and Tobago. However the idea of happiness of the population is one that warrants further research.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparing the Character of Life in As You Like It and King Lear :: comparison compare contrast essays

The Character of Life in As You Like It and King Lear      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through comedy and tragedy Shakespeare reveals the vast expanses and profound depths of the character of life. For him they are not separate worlds of drama and romance, but poles of a continuum. The distinction between tragedy and comedy is called in question when we turn to Shakespeare. Though the characters differ in stature and power, and the events vary in weight and significance, the movements of life in all Shakespeare's plays are governed by the same universal principles which move events in our own lives. Through myriad images Shakespeare portrays not only the character of man and society but the character of life itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The difference between comedy and tragedy, success and failure, good fortune and catastrophe often seems to turn on a seemingly chance event. In All's Well that Ends Well, Helene's pilgrimage to win back Bertram succeeds on the basis of her chance meeting with the mother of a virgin whom Bertram is courting. Time is another crucial determinant. Often a split second or brief interval is the difference between life and death. In this small but all important gap of time, the character of life is revealed most clearly. In As You Like It, Orlando came in time to save Oliver from the serpent that was winding around his neck. Out of context, these events would appear as a very thin and frail fabric upon which to build great comedy and tragedy were it not for the fact that they are true to a deeper level of causality in life. Suzanne Langer has called comedy 'an image of life triumphing over chance.' It may be otherwise stated that in comedy the s eemingly chance events of life move in favor of a positive resolution, whereas in tragedy they seem to conspire toward disaster. Helene Gardner observes that 'comedy is full of purposes mistook, not "falling on the inventor's head" but luckily misfiring altogether. In comedy, as often happens in life, people are mercifully saved from being as wicked as they meant to be.' 5   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Time as well as chance events are expressive of another set of determinants, another level of causality in the wider plane of life. The critical gap between human action and its results depends on the response of the environing life and expresses the character of life in the given circumstances.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

How Private Must an Objectionably Private Language Be? :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

How Private Must an Objectionably Private Language Be? ABSTRACT: Some philosophers, taking their cue from Philosophical Investigations (PI) 243-315, suppose that a private language is objectionable only when its terms refer to Cartesian mental events. Others (notably Kripke) have focused on PI 201 and the surrounding remarks about rule following, and have explicated the notion of an objectionable private language as (roughly) that of a language used by just one isolated individual unsupported at any time by any source of external or community correction and approval. I attempt to defend Kripke's account against some objections proffered by Simon Blackburn. Blackburn supposes that individuals are no worse off than communities with respect to the difficulties raised by Kripke, and argues that the "paradox" of PI 201 can be avoided by a proper understanding of extended dispositions, and by grasping the possibility of private practices. But Blackburn misconstrues what it is to go on in the "same" way in following a rule, and ignores the plac e of constitutive rules in practices. Some philosophers, taking their cue from Philosophical Investigations (PI) 243 - 315, suppose that a private language is objectionable only when its terms refer to Cartesian mental events. In this "strong" sense private languages are very private indeed. Others (notably Kripke, 1982) have focused on PI 201 and the surrounding remarks about rule following, and have explicated the notion of an objectionably private language as (roughly) that of a language used by just one isolated individual unsupported at any time by any source of external or community correction and approval. I think of this as a "weaker" sense of 'private language.' In sec. 1 I attempt to defend the "Kripke - Wittgenstein" (henceforth 'KW') version of the private language argument against some objections proffered by Simon Blackburn. KW takes languages which are private in the weaker sense to be objectionable, and claims that the later discussion (PI 243 - 315) deals with a "special case" falling under the more general discussion of rule following in earlier sections. In section II I briefly consider some possible objections from Wittgenstein himself to my defense of Kripke. I "This was our paradox: no course of action could be determined by a rule, because every course of action can be made out to accord with the rule"(PI 201). According to KW the reason any course of action could accord with the rule is that there is no fact about an individual to which he can point in justifying going on one way (in the application of a word, continuation of a number series, etc.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Communication Is Complex Essay

When two or more people are sharing information, they both are sending and receiving at the same time, sometimes without even saying a word but by simply sending and receiving certain signals. Listening makes one the receiver and at the point when you respond, you become the sender and this interchanging and complex role shifting happens very fast. Non verbal sending and receiving is just as complex. A child could be crying (sending a message) and the parent put her arm around her for reassurance (receiving), when the parent pats the child’s back (sending), the child calms down receiving). The attitude of the people involved will largely determine the quality of their sending and receiving and the strength of their signals may affect how the messages are received. Messages a. Everything that is communicated is categorized into symbols. A symbol is something that stands for something else. Symbols are everywhere around us. The eagle in the United States stands for that country, the Statue of Liberty stands for freedom. The complex issue is that; any one symbol may have hundreds of interpretations depending on what sense the receiver makes out of the symbol. Any one symbol may have many contrasting definitions largely depending on cultural backgrounds. The human communication is made up of two kinds of symbols. The words that are used in a language are verbal symbols. Where no words are used, then that becomes nonverbal symbols. When the word refers to a physical object like someone says, ‘pads’,, this is called a concrete symbol because it represents an object. A female listener may think the sender is referring to the sanitary pads and the motor mechanic may assume that the sender is referring to the brake pads. Symbols are subject to different interpretations largely depending on the attitude, culture and background of the listener. Even more complex are the abstract symbols, these are the intangible or non figurative symbols like the word ‘love’. Various and interesting assignations may be given to the word depending largely on culture and background. A child brought up in a strict religious order may think it refers to the love that the Deity has over mankind and yet on the other hand a child raised by a mother of loose morals, may construe it to mean lust or the desire that may shared by two consenting and sexual partners. In nonverbal symbols, the communication has no written or verbal words. These symbols include but not limited to; facial expressions, gestures, posture, vocal tones and appearance. A yawn may mean that you are tired or bored and yet in another culture it may mean that you are sleepy and need to rest. Over ninety percent of messages sent and received by Americans are nonverbal. Thus, we see complexities arising out of the symbols, care and due diligence is therefore critical in deciphering symbols to be as near as possible to the intentions and definitions of the sender. Channels This refers to the channel or route that we use when communicating. In verbal symbols, we use sound and sight. The receiver has to interpret the sound and what he/she is seeing to come to a conclusion of what the sender is trying to send out. In nonverbal communications, people use several channels, like a firm handshake may denote confidence, jittery and nervous expression at a presentation may mean poor preparation and shallow knowledge. Use of a wrong channel will give a wrong message altogether and defeat the purpose of the communication. Feedback Feedback refers to the responses that the sender gets from the receiver. In a conversation, both sender and receiver get feedbacks as they talk. Feedback helps to assure the sender that the receiver is attentive and is responsive. When no feedback is given, it may send a wrong signal to the sender. In a lecture, if students don’t ask questions after the presentation, then the deliverer may assume that they have understood when in fact they have not. Noise Any interference that prevents a message from the sender from being delivered to the receiver is called ‘noise’. Noise is found in three forms; external, internal and semantic. External noise comes from the outside, the environment. While having a good conversation with your Pastor, you may be disturbed by the Pastor’s mate asking for the car keys from their mate or a squashed sitting area in a taxi might make you unbearably uncomfortable to lose out on what the person sitting next to you just said. Internal noise refers to what the receiver may be going through internally that he/she may fail to hear what the teacher just said. These are internal thoughts, and distractions†¦ Setting This refers to the environment in which the communication process occurs. The setting affects and influences the kind of communication process that will take place. The setting itself communicates a message to the participants. A divorcing couple would chose to meet in the lawyer’s office as that is perceived as neutral. From the above discourse, it is clear that the communications elements can pose a great challenge to the whole process of communication. Parties to the process should make sure that all the elements are in the ideal size, to effectively communicate as desired. Complexities will always exist, the parties to communication can only minimise them to enhance the process. Self Perception A human being is a complex individual. The process of communication starts with the self perception and the value that humans put on themselves. Self concept is how a person thinks about themselves. Sometimes in a communication process, people are so worried about how other people think they are and this ideally makes them less effective in their communication process and fail to either deliver their message or fail to get the correct message as intended by the sender. Social comparisons occur when people compare themselves on how they measure up to other members of the communities. When we fail to measure up to a certain standard that we see ion others, most likely we lose all home and get de-motivated and in worst case scenarios, become emotional wracks. The way in which the individual sees himself/herself is called self perception. Self perception is largely grounded on the past experiences. Positive experiences will influence a better perception and the opposite also holds true. The state of mind about oneself eventually impacts on performance. Its becomes dangerous when self esteem is too high as a failure results in negative and bad attitudes. Acts of perception require a form of expectations. ‘Without expectations, or constructs through which you perceive your world, your surroundings would be booming, buzzing confusion’ The perception process involves; selecting the information, organizing it and interpreting it. Perfect perception is always because of deletions, distortions, and generalizations. There are also perceptions filters.

Methods of depreciation Essay

After completing the spreadsheet for Fan Company A, I suggest that the company use units of output for their method of depreciation. The reason why I choose units-of-production, which is also known as activity method, is due to the fact that is incorporates the straight-line method while figuring in the life expectancy in terms of numbers/time of operation for the asset (WileyPlus). For example why depreciate a piece of equipment the same amount every year if in that year it has been barley used compared to a year when it has been in constant use. Depreciating using units-of -production can in my opinion more accurately determine the life and value of the item in question. The reason why I do not suggest using straight-line method is because it measures age and doesn’t consider the amount of usage. I did read in the text of WileyPlus that most companies use the straight-line method because of its simplicity and is a constant dollar figure they can determine each year. Looking at double declining balance method it has the assets depreciating at an accelerated rate compared to the other methods. This method does not compute the deduction of salvage value in it. Even-though this method will have a greater result in depreciation expense each year the total depreciation over the lifespan of the asset will not be greater than the total depreciation. Furthermore, another method of accelerated depreciation is sum-of-the-years’-digits. This method takes the asset’s expected life and adds together the digits for each year. So if the asset was expected to last for five years, the sum of the years’ digits would be obtained by adding: 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 to get a total of 15. Each digit is then divided by this sum to determine the percentage by which the asset should be depreciated each year. Even-though this method takes into consideration the life of the asset it is to accelerated and can depreciate faster than needed while causing the asset to appear invaluable when in all actuality it is in good operating/functioning order. Works Citied Page WileyPlus, Kieso, Internediate, Accouting, 14th edition, 2000-2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Friday, August 16, 2019

My Conclusion

From my task analysis I have found that I have to design and make either an Pod docking station, phone charging stand, low voltage light or a radio and the chosen product must be styled in eras from the last 100 years. Also found the different design styles in the last 1 00 years which is Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Bauhaus or Arts and Crafts. .From my investigation on the questionnaire result have found that I will design and make an Pod docking station in the style of art deco made of multi products. This is because that what my target user wants.From my investigation on art deco, I found out the happily styling features which are sunburst motifs, chevron patterns, and jumbled shapes, zigzagged and geometrical shapes From my product analysis I have found out the different type of products and the price of them and the length and I have found out and different type of styling of art deco and this has given me an idea on what to create Design Brief am going to make an pod docking station and it's going to be in the style of art deco and its going to be aimed at over 14+ and so that it would be in the museum gift shop. Requirements for the client The Pod docking station should be:It should be eye catching It should be in a design of the last 100 year era Requirements for the user It should be safe so that they don't injure the user Made from mufti-materials It should be soundly constructed It should be in the design style of art deco which consists of geometric shapes, sunburst motifs, chevron patterns , jumbled shapes and etc It should be priced between EYE-EYE Requirements for the designer and the manufacture The Pod docking station should be.